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News Archives [2009]

NHMC: November Update

Tuesday November 3, 2009 @ 10:15 am
By Josh Worisek

The retirement party for Jake scheduled this Saturday November 7th at Elks has been CANCELLED. No make up date set.

Don't put those clubs away yet... Northern Hills is still OPEN and now has 15 carts available for use. Get out now and enjoy this beautiful November weather.

October Update

Friday October 9, 2009 @ 3:15 pm
By Josh Worisek

Just a quick note about whats going on in October...

19 man shootout will be taking place tomorrow (Saturday October 10th) at 9am.

Mystery Tees will be Sunday October 18th at 9am... Please register by Thursday October 15th.

The fall banquet will be Friday October 23rd at McMurphys with a social hour at 5:30 and the meeting at 6:30.


Wednesday September 30, 2009 @ 7:50 am
By Josh Worisek

If anyone has any clubhouse chits left (call the clubhouse to find out), they expire TODAY (WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 30) when the clubhouse closes tonight.

Also, the early bird special for getting season/patron passes Will be ending Monday October 5th. After that prices for the passes will be going up. Remember that there is an additional charge added for using credit cards to buy the passes... No fee is charged if you use cash or check.

Need Volunteers for Work Day

Thursday September 17, 2009 @ 9:46 am
By Josh Worisek

There is a work day planned for Saturday September 26th starting around 7:30am-8am. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Sign up for the work day will be at the event this Sunday, but everyone is welcome and needed to help.

If you have a rake or shovel that you can bring that would help. Beverages and light munchies to follow after work is done.

September Update

Tuesday September 15, 2009 @ 12:39 pm
By Josh Worisek

Sorry about getting this out so late...

We have an event coming up this Sunday (Sept 20). It is the One-Man Best Shot and will have a 9am shotgun start. It is reccomended that you use carts to keep the speed of play to a reasonable level. Please register with the clubhouse by Thursday if you want to play.

NHMC can coolies have been made and are for sale for $2.

You can still try to qualify for the 19 man shoot out until Thursday October 8th.

End of Summer Update

Thursday August 27, 2009 @ 2:35 pm
By Josh Worisek


If you have won any chit money in the Weekly or Monthly events you will need to use it up by September 30. Any winnings from September on will either be paid out in cash or chits that don't expire this year (or at least through October sometime).

If you aren't sure if you have any money, you can check online here (monthlys are up to date, weeklys are a few weeks behind): 2009 Earnings page

Or just ask next time you are in the clubhouse.

The weekly events will be ending this week.

There are still 3 events coming up:

One MAn Best Shot Sept. 20
19-Man Shootout Oct 10 (you need to qualify for this, see the clubhouse)
Mystery Tees Oct. 18

The prices have been posted for 2010 City passes and Patron Cards. Check the flyer here: 2010 Promotional Prices (PDF)

You can also check out the membership form here (all the courses should have a copy on hand for you): 2010 Public Membership Form (PDF)

NHMC Club Championship Reminder

Thursday August 13, 2009 @ 9:48 am
By Josh Worisek

The Club Championship is coming up in just over a week now. This is a two day event (Sat. Aug 22 and Sun. Aug 23). The Saturday event you need to make a tee time (you can call ahead now to set up tee times if you haven't already). You can choose who you play with but you are asked to get a tee time before 10 or 11 am. The Sunday event will then be a normal 8:30am shotgun start and you will be placed in your flight. Scores will be combined from both days. Also, there will be a steak dinner to follow the Sunday event.

You must play Saturday to be flighted for Sunday!

19 Man Shootout-

Qualification for the 19 man shootout has begun. To try to qualify you need to let the clubhouse know and pay $3 per attempt. The lowest NET scores will get you in. Keep an eye on the board in the clubhouse to be sure that your score hasn't been bumped off.

The Calcutta scores and Matchplay results are way behind on being updated and thats my fault... I should have those up to date this weekend.

Also, as of August 11, the All-City Tournament still has some openings. If you are interested in playing in it (looks like there are already 25 or so NHMC members signed up) check out this website and get a registration in ASAP.


Calcutta Auction Sheet

Friday July 10, 2009 @ 1:31 pm
By Josh Worisek

The divisions have been set and there is an auction sheet available as a pdf download for you to use to keep track of teams tonight. You can get it at:


2009 Calcutta Announcement

Thursday July 2, 2009 @ 5:41 pm
By Josh Worisek

The Calcutta is coming up in a week so heres the details:

You can choose your own partner, but please register with the clubhouse by THURSDAY July 9th!

The auction will be Friday July 10 at the AMERICAN LEGION POST 92 (409 1st Ave. & Civic Center Dr.) Doors open at 5pm and the Auction will start at 6:30pm

The tournament will be Sunday July 12 8:30am shotgun start. There will be two divisions of two man net best ball. July 3 handicaps will be used and max handicap is 36. Payout is Win-Place-Show (ties will be broken via handicap hole playoff). You can purchase up to 50% of your team back from your buyer, BUT THIS MUST TAKE PLACE BEFORE PLAY STARTS! (People will be available to help you find your teams buyer) If you do not have a partner, let the clubhouse know and they can pair you up with somebody.

If you have any questions give the clubhouse a call.

The matchplay brackets are currently working on the website (although they are not finished) from the matchplay link at the top of the page (it opens a new window). The clubhouse has the official brackets, so if there is a discrepency go with the one they have and let me know. Also, some of the consolation brackets currently have "Byes" that could change depending on how the players who had a first round bye do in their first match (second round) (All players are guaranteed two matches, not including byes

Special thanks to Brian Clarey for donating the Towne Place Suite stays for several individual awards for the 2 man combo.

Enjoy the holiday and good luck next week in the Calcutta!

NHMC June Event: 2-Man Combo

Tuesday June 2, 2009 @ 10:10 pm
By Josh Worisek

This is a reminder for the 2-Man Combo coming up on Sunday June 14 (8:30 AM shotgun start). It will be 9 holes of best ball and 9 holes of best shot followed by a BBQ pork ribs meal. The restaurant will be open at 7am and they will have the breakfast sandwich special again for $3.

The deadline for registering is Thursday night (June 11).

Matchplay has also gotten underway with 4 brackets (grouped by handicap?). We should have it on the website (also, the earnings page is working once again) in the next week or two, for now go check out the brackets at the clubhouse. If you need to contact your opponent you can either do some from the website or ask at the clubhouse... they have a list of contact information.

Also you should know that Gorillas has a Wednesday night special for mens club members. Let the bartender know that you are a member and you can get a card that will get you 2 for 1 drinks all Wednesday night as well as food specials.

Red, White and Blue

Sunday May 3, 2009 @ 10:38 pm
By Josh Worisek

Our first monthly event of the year will be the Red, White, and Blue taking place Sunday May 10 with an 8:30 shotgun start. If you are playing in the event, please call or stop in the clubhouse and register by WEDNESDAY NIGHT (May 6) to allow for enough time to get the event organized.

Also the weekly events have started (the first was last week) and I believe there is still time to sign up for Match Play right up until the event this weekend (check with the clubhouse to be sure).


Tuesday April 21, 2009 @ 4:22 pm
By Geno Rebellato

Weekly events will begin the week of April 28th. Make sure you sign up in the club house before you start your round. Good luck everyone & have a great year!!

Match Play Signup

Wednesday April 15, 2009 @ 7:52 am
By Jim DeLongpre

Match Play signup has started!

Cost $10, 2 matches guaranteed See Watty in the clubhouse to signup.

Contact info about MGA payment

Friday April 10, 2009 @ 10:47 pm
By Josh Worisek

If you would like to let your voice be heard, the people to contact about the MGA payment being passed along to the clubs by the city would be:

Leif Erickson, Director of Golf
Contact Page
Phone: 507-328-2533
Email: Lerickson@rochestermn.gov

Ron Bastian, Director of Park & Recreation
Contact Page
Phone: 507-328-2525
Email: Rbastian@rochestermn.gov

I haven't verified those email addresses personally so let me know if they are incorrect.

2009 Info

Friday February 27, 2009 @ 1:01 am
By Josh Worisek

Just a quick note... The schedule should hopefully be posted after our next board meeting (March 4th). I'll try to get this up ASAP. We are going to try to do an early round of registrations this year through email (if you were a member in 2008). And then do a mailout a little after that. Information on the 2009 Icebreaker should be posted shortly after the next meeting as well.

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Northern Hills sponsored tournament to raise money for breast cancer research
MPGA Membership
Northern Hills Mens Club is part of MPGA for allowing our members the chance to play in any of their tournaments.